Clause Code Title Effective Date - PDF (Click Green Button) 01000-SQ-NG T&C-24 100% Inspection 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-60 Ammunition Data Cards 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-61 Ammunition Lot Numbers and Data Cards WARP System 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-16 Approval of Planning for Manufacturing Testing and Inspection Procedures 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-17 Approval of Planning for Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and Required C of C 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-2 AS9100 Quality Management System 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-29 Certification of Analysis 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-136 Certification of Analysis with Subtier Configuration 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-28 Certification of Conformance 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-135 Certification of Conformance with Subtier Configuration 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-10 Certification Review at Source 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-48 Certification Review Prior To Shipment 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-23 CF/NGC First Article Inspection (FAI) 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-58 Commercial Chemical Raw Materials Certificate of Conformance Required 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-25 Contamination Control (Titanium) 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-31 COTS Certification of Conformance 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-50 Counterfeit Electronic Parts Prevention 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-30 Distributor Certification of Conformance 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-63 Domestic Source Required 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-46 Drop Shipments Required 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-47 Drop Shipments without CF/NGC Source Inspection 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-49 Electronic Certification Review 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-69 Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Device Protection 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-134 FAR Clause 52246-15 Certificate of Conformance 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-19 First Article Inspection (FAI) 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-20 First Piece Inspection 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-15 Flowdown Requirements 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-26 Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-12 Government Right of Access 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-13 Government Source Inspection Required 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-42 Heat Treat Certification 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-41 Hydrostatic or Proof Pressure Test 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-21 Inspection 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-3 ISO 9001 Quality Assurance System 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-9 Mandatory Inspection Verification 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-52 Manufacturer Listed on Government Qualified Product List (QPL) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-32 Manufacturer or Authorized Distributor Certification Required 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-4 MIL-I-45208 Quality Assurance System 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-6 MIL-Q-9858A Quality Management System 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-59 NGC-Supplied Material 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-43 Nondestructive Inspection 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-71 Packaging for Shipment 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-65 Preference for Domestic EEE Components 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-64 Preference for Domestic Specialty Metals 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-39 Process Control 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-51 Procurement from a Recognized Source 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-37 Product Compliance and Process Changes 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-5 Quality Assurance Program (Commercial) 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-67 Quality Provisions in Procurement Specification 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-1 Quality Record Forms Required 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-53 Raw Material Certificate of Analysis Required 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-54 Raw Material Certificate of Conformance Required 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-66 Restriction on Acquisition of Certain Articles Containing Specialty Metals 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-11 Right to Access 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-72 Single Manufactured Lot 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-7 Source Surveillance 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-40 Special Process Certification 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-14 Special Processes Approval 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-55 Specification Chemical Raw Materials Certificate of Analysis Required 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-56 Specification Chemical Raw Materials Certificate of Conformance Required 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-38 Statistical Process Control (SPC) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-22 Submit Sampling Plan for Approval 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-70 Supplier Assessment 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-18 Supplier Shelf Life Control 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-62 Supplier’s Calibration System 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-45 Surface Preparation/Plating 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-44 Welding Certifications 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-116 1 Month Date of Manufacture to Date of Receipt 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-113 12 Month Date of Manufacture to Date of Receipt 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-117 2 Month Date of Manufacture to Date of Receipt 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-114 24 Month Date of Manufacture to Date of Receipt 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-111 3 Month Date of Manufacture to Date of Receipt 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-115 36 Month Date of Manufacture to Date of Receipt 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-112 6 Month Date of Manufacture to Date of Receipt 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-118 9 Month Date of Manufacture to Date of Receipt 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-103 ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION EQUIPMENT (AIE) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-131 Acceptance Inspection Equipment/Measurement System Evaluation 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-128 Acceptance Prior to Shipment (Source Inspection Required) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-75 ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURES 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-120 AIM-9X PROCESS CAPABILITY 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-130 Ammunition And Explosives Supplier Safety Compliance 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-83 AMMUNITION LOT DATA – PACIFIC SCIENTIFIC ONLY 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-81 ATK/ABL FURNISHED SPECIAL GAGES AND/OR EQUIPMENT 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-27 CF/NGC Serialization 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-92 CMTR 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-57 Commercial Chemical Raw Materials Certificate of Analysis Required 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-107 CONSENT TO SHIP (CTS) APPROVAL QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISION (QAP) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-73 CONTROL PLAN FOR CRITICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-104 CONTROL PLAN FOR CRITICAL CHARACTERISTICS - FMU-143 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-109 COUNTERFEIT PARTS PREVENTION - LMMFC 1872 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-119 COUNTERFEIT PARTS PREVENTION - MFC-PR-003 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-93 DEMILITARIZATION 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-84 DROP SHIPMENTS WITHOUT ATK SOURCE INSPECTION 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-68 Electronics COTS 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-95 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE - FUZE 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-102 ESSM OBSOLETE PARTS AND MATERIALS SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-129 First Article Acceptance Test (FAAT) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-80 FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION (90 DAYS) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-122 FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION 12 Months 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-126 FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION 150 Days 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-123 FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION 24 Months 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-124 FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION 36 Months 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-125 FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION 90 Days 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-127 FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION First Production Run 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-110 FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION M734 (90 DAYS) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-85 FURNISHED MATERIALS 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-79 IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-77 INSPECTION RECORDS 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-100 LOT ACCEPTANCE TEST (LAT) - AMRAAM 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-101 M734 CRITICAL DEFECT PLAN 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-88 MIL-C-5541E – ALUMINUM CHEMICAL FILM CLASS 1A 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-106 NON-MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS HEAT TREATMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISION (QAP) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-98 OBSOLESCENCE CLAUSE 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-82 PACKAGING AND MARKING FOR SHIPMENT (DUNNAGE) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-105 Packaging Requirement For Impact Switch Springs 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-108 PPAP 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-121 PROCESS CONTROL DETAIL (PCD) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-133 Process Documentation Revision Statement 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-74 QUALITY RECORD SHEET IS REQUIRED 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-99 REWORK AND REPAIR OF NON-CONFORMING MATERIAL 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-78 RIGHT OF ACCESS AND SOURCE INSPECTION 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-96 SOLDERABILITY PER J-STD-002 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-97 SOLDERABILITY PER J-STD-003 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-8 Source Inspection 5/10/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-89 SPECIAL PROCESSES 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-132 SPECIAL PROVISIONS (ITAR Technical Data) 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-87 SUPPLIER CONTROL OF SUB-TIER PROCESSES 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-86 SUPPLIER CONTROL OF SUBTIER SUPPLIERS 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-94 TAPE AND REELING 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-90 TCR140 - USE OF SPECIAL PROCESS SUBPROCESSORS 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-91 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-76 TEST REPORTS 5/20/2024 01000-SQ-NG T&C-26 Foreign Object Damage/Debris (FOD) Prevention 7/22/2024